Tag Archives: repression

“They come at us because we’re strong.” Statement on police harassment and abuse of an antifascist

Life can be a funny thing. There are things that have happened to me in my life that I have told myself not to tell a soul about because they just won’t believe me. But this needs to be told.

Since December 8th 2017 I have had to ask myself time and time again “is it me or is it them?” “Is this happening to me?”, which usually means checking myself and reminding myself that going out and being involved with “this sort of thing” (in my case anti fascism) is going to draw a little attention from the state. Part and parcel right? Rough with the smooth?

Personally, I think too many of us take police abuses of power and outright Orwellian surveillance tactics as a given. I can’t help but wonder how many people have had similar experiences to what I’ve gone through and just not said anything.

I’ve been an antifascist for a few years now and have supported actions locally and around the UK with a lot of spirit, heart and out and out determination. I don’t think that’s ever likely to change.

If you’re someone who moves in the same sort of circles as I do  you’ll know that Avon and Somerset in particular have never had any love for anyone they deem to be part of the anarchist movement. They have never had any love for people of colour either. I fall into both of those demographics.

I was arrested in September last year in Bristol on a counter demo against the fascist front group “Gays against Sharia”, along with another 4 counter protestors who were charged with “assault PC” and “obstruction.” It was my second arrest in the city, the first being on an illegal squat eviction where again I was charged with “assault” on the say so of lying bailiffs. That case was later dropped. The cops told me I “looked like a gangster” that day. That’s a new one on me but in hindsight it speaks volumes.

Unfortunately for me (and being honest it’s currently adding more fuel to the fire) the second time around I was found guilty of assault PC. Initially 3 of us were on trial but the other’s charges were dropped. I’ve never been an angel having been in and out of trouble with the law when I was younger but this was the first time I’d been charged and convicted with something I knew that I hadn’t done.

In fact, I’d spent well over 12 years with no arrests or contact with the police at all. This doesn’t mean I can’t be a free thinker and want a better world. And it doesn’t mean I can’t take a stand against injustice. When it comes to neo nazis and assorted racists in particular, you should absolutely be “anti” that.

I’m currently fighting to get my conviction overturned. I think that is one of the reasons that I’ve started to get so much attention, harassment and outright bullying which could easily be deemed as stalking from the police.

Over the past 6 months or so this has taken varying forms including social media monitoring and hacking, attempts to follow me home at night, undercover officers following me into pubs, seemingly constant monitoring by plain clothes officers around my local area with the support of area cars and vans. This has even extended to Bristol city centre with targeted blaring sirens and use of full beam headlights in broad day light.

It seems that certain elements of the local community have also been involved with tails, garbled shouted abuse and aggressive horn beeps (also used by undercover officers) designed to intimidate me. At times I’ve reacted, never with force but out of sheer frustration  by shouting back.

When it comes to local engagement I put this mainly down to good old fashioned British racism. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was far right involvement too. The state and fascists often work hand in hand and it’s no secret about the level of bigotry and general racism within the force.

I live close to the melting pot of culture that is Easton but my current home is primarily white working to middle class. Most people who live here are friendly but the few wronguns do rear their heads from time to time. Luckily, I have a lot of friends and know I am never alone.

Having researched some of this and avoiding paranoia as much as possible, I discovered that “police stalking” tactics have long been used off the record in the UK and beyond. All of the above are intimidation tactics and nothing more. I class it as authoritarian bullying.

It all really started on December the 8th 2017 (my birthday ). I was in the city centre. As well as being on bail I was pursuing a claim against the police for wrongful arrest on the squat eviction I mentioned earlier.

Living some way away from most of my friends, I think, made it easier for me to be targeted by the CID officers I now know as part of a special investigations unit (Operation Rhone) tasked with harassment or “investigation” of activists classed as “anarchists”. This unit was headed by Andy Bevan and led by officers such as Matt Ford  with a reputation for harassment of activists.

In fact, it was Matt Ford and his colleague who approached me that day in December 2017. I had just walked past a Palestinian demo in town where I’d said hello to demonstrators to show some solidarity for a good cause. It was near St Nick’s market that the first plain clothes officer attempted contact; “Alright! Long time no see!” he smiled at me, looking like an average Christmas shopper.

I smiled back  unsure of who he was, replying “Alright? Where do I know you from?” The cop’s face changed quite quickly, “And where do I know YOU from?” You could sense his hostility. The change in manner was quickly followed with “I’m a policeman!”. Within a second, Matt Ford appeared and with dramatic effect added “And so am I!”

At this point a little unnerved but pretty pissed off, I said “I don’t talk to police mate! No comment.” The first officer tried to engage with me again and it was at that point I walked away, answering “No comment! Just fuck off!” I walked off quickly and was pleased if not a little surprised to see that they didn’t follow.

My solicitors advised me to be mindful that the cops were watching me. Fast forward to now, I’ve been told by Netpol and other comrades that sometimes the state and its minions like to apply pressure on people like me. I think they were trying to get me to be an informer. The apparent vendetta against me over the past 6 months or so may not just be fuelled by me taking a stand and fighting back against unjust convictions but also by refusing to play their game. Here’s the thing.

I will never play the game of scum like them.This is why I began to record my experiences of surveillance in a diary that I am currently still updating. I do my best to keep the emotions out and record the facts. There is currently over 6 months of information including dates, people, vehicle registrations and everything I need to prove what has been happening to me. I have many photos too.

When I moved house I thought it all might get better, but sadly things didn’t stop. They only became worse. A few months back I put in a subject access / freedom of information request to Avon and Somerset police. I still currently don’t know the level of monitoring of my mobile phone despite asking for this info. Either way, I am sure it is one way they have been tracking my movements.

There was no information given on surveillance operations or technology used against me but instead we’re currently in hiatus with the usual “Neither confirm nor deny” response. Having checked the police website there doesn’t seem to be anything major happening in my local area to warrant the amount of times I have been tailed by vehicles or undercover officers.

Regardless of how I feel about the cops I accept that under this current system they are there, although the more they harass me the less inclined I feel to recognize their authority. I have never trusted them and I am never going to. They routinely abuse their power, serve the rich, victimise the poor and target people of colour. I can never respect people like that.

Since we began my appeal process against an unjust conviction, surveillance quickly escalated into harassment and out and out stalking by Avon and Somerset police. It also seems that when travelling to London with my job I have found myself tailed from one area to another.

In the build up to my appeal these intimidation tactics escalated and I feel ultimately the goal was to force me to drop the appeal and any further legal action or at the very least unnerve me enough to mess up in court.

Speaking as an antifascist what has happened to me over the past 6 months has been done to give the impression of an all seeing, all knowing Orwellian eye of authority that has its minions where ever I go. At it’s very core it’s authoritarian and fascist.

Just recently a comrade suggested considering the wider implications of what has happened to me and how it affects not just myself but all of us. The saying an injury to one is an injury to all is something that rings true, and I’ve learnt that I haven’t been the first activist in Bristol to be targeted and will no doubt not be the last.

What is clear, is that there is a deep -rooted stench of authoritarianism and fascism within the police force that needs to be challenged as well as the police as an authority themselves.

The fact that some officers feel that they are able to arrange “extra judicial punishment” without accountability and ‘off the record’ speaks volumes about the level of corruption within the police force today. Regardless of how you feel about the police it becomes apparent when assessing a situation such as this that people who seem to think that they can engage in a  vendetta against individuals or movements should never have been given the reins of power or authority in the first place.

When considering the treatment of people of colour by the police the situation becomes even more concerning when considering the actions of the state and it’s targeting of activists. For some in uniform being a “good citizen” means being white.

To these people we are always the enemy and a problem to be addressed rather than a member of society that should be respected. When we’re considered to be a political dissident, activist or anyone the status quo considers a threat our struggles become intensified.

What has been happening to myself in comparison to what happens to others on a daily, monthly and yearly basis is a small drop in the ocean but has been enough to raise alarm bells within my circles of friends and comrades.

My experiences of the police at their very worst will differ greatly from the next person but with solidarity and mutual aid we can support each other spread the word and work together to expose those who should never have been given the tools or the power to target and harass people for their political beliefs and desire to do the right thing.

It is an invasion and abuse of our privacy, of our civil rights and our liberty and our freedom to be ourselves. Not every person who encounters people who bend the law to suit their collective will are going to want to speak out. Not every person will want to take a stand but the more we do the more empowering it is for them and a reminder that they will never be alone.

The state will always look for ways to disrupt us in our fights against various injustices. They apply pressure to break us and to drive us away from the movements and circles we move in. Activists can be approached after pressure has been exerted to see if they will grass on their comrades.

The past 6 plus months has showed me the true cowardice of school yard bullies in uniform. It makes me smile to know how afraid they are of people like me. Attempts to drive me away from my friends and comrades have failed. Attempts to disrupt my life have failed. I already see the cracks in them but there are no cracks in me.

I’m more anti surveillance and anti-state than I ever have been and am currently researching how communities have fought back against police surveillance. For me, I will carry on with life as normal. I would like to say I’ll learn to forgive but we never forgive and we never ever forget.

It’s clear to me now that they come at us because we are strong. Thanks to my friends and comrades and family for all the support over the past 6 months. You’ve been there when I’ve needed you most and you are all amazing. I’ll keep fighting the good fight. Here’s to a better world.


From Belarus to the USA: fighting state repression

The 1st to the 9th of April was the week in solidarity with those facing state repression in the USA. At the same time, we have just seen mass arrests in Belarus, after the biggest protests since 2010. What do we mean by state repression? How can these two governments, one “democratic” and one “dictatorial”, have such similar responses to citizen discontent? And what parallels can we draw with our own island? Ask these questions and more at Cafe Kino next week!

International call out April 17-23, 2017 for decentralized actions in solidarity with comrades accused of bank-robbery in Aachen (Germany)

In 2015, a comrade from Amsterdam was arrested. She was accused of having participated in a robbery in 2013 against the Aachener bank in Aachen. After a few months spent in preventive and several weeks of trial, she was finally acquitted and released. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that the Aachen Prosecutor’s Office will appeal this verdict and go to the revision court.

In April and June 2016, two other comrades, this time from Barcelona, were arrested and incarcerated by the spanish state, accused by the same prosecution office of having participated in another bank robbery. The two were then extradited to germany in June 2016, where they have since been under the U-Haft regime (investigative preventive prison). The trial against them began in January 2017 in the Aachen Justice complex and it is scheduled to run until May 22, 2017.

It does not come as a surprise to us that those who oppose and fight against the misery of this world forged on domination are attacked, prosecuted and punished. We are not interested in discussing about guilt or innocence, it is the language that belongs to our enemies and we refuse it. Our enemies follow the logic of separation and categorization of individuals, in order to then have the possibility of locking up the undesirables. We share with the accused comrades an aversion to this system, and towards the prison system which perpetuates the distinction between good citizens and those who deserve to be punished.

We hate all the repressive infrastructures of all States, just as all the far-reaching tentacles of the Church, with its long tradition of oppression. The Church is part of the State, linked directly to banks and participating in the maintenance of the control that is imposed on us daily.

Considerable steps have been taken in the development and the role of repression in our daily lives. New technologies and progress in the deciphering of DNA, biometric analysis, surveillance cameras, …. So many instruments used to study, scrutinize and control. They also represent part of the structure, part of our enemy, against which we take a position and which we want to destroy.

The collaboration of the police, judges and investigators from different States is an old strategy that has been updated in Europe to contribute to a faster, clearer and more cruel Capitalist system.

With our veins filled with rage, strength and courage, we set off to the streets. Reinforced with every repressive blow, we stand by our comrades. We show them through the continuation of our struggles and through our solidarity the desire for the destruction of a system we do not want or need.

This is a call to solidarity with the anarchists accused of robbery in Aachen. It is a call to maintain the links between the rebels and the oppressed wherever possible throughout the world.

We use our instruments to sabotage and attack, destroying the structure of power. We use our imagination to express our solidarity in all its variations while our passion inspires us to continue our struggles.

We therefore call to express solidarity with the comrades in the week between April 17th to 23rd.

Nothing is finished, our struggles continue! Until all are free!
Solidarity with comrades on trial in Aachen.

Freedom for them! Freedom for all!
For revolt! For anarchy!

February 2017

Turkey moves towards re-establishment of the death penalty

Turkish President Erdogan said on the 29th of October that the restoration of the death penalty would be submitted to Parliament, adding that the criticisms made about it by Western countries “do not count”. During a speech in Ankara, in response to the crowd chanting “we want the death penalty” for the authors of the failed coup in July, Erdogan said: “Our government will submit it to Parliament and I am convinced that Parliament will approve it, then I will ratify it. ”

The death penalty in peacetime was abolished in 2001 (while hanging Abdullah Ocalan, who had just been brought to Turkey, was discussed) and the death penalty in wartime was abolished in 2004 in a relative consensus. More than 35,000 people were arrested in Turkey and a total of 82,000 have been investigated since the attempted coup on the 15th of July. Out of those who were investigated, 26,000 had all charges dropped.


Warsaw 3 solidarity dinner, 27th of October at Kebele


Three anarchists were arrested in Warsaw recently, accused of an arson attempt on a police vehicle, put in isolation and tortured. Now they are free but they still face trial, amid a media frenzy against them, and anarchists in general. Come and support them by helping to raise money for their legal costs and learn about the wave of repression in Poland. Never alone, never forgotten!



On August 10th Martin will celebrate his already 2nd Birthday behind the bars. You can greet him by making noise behind the wall, sending a letter or any other way you like. Bellow, there is Martin’s address and bank connection.

In these uneasy times we wish him all the best and sending solidarity greetings.

Martinova adresa / Martin’s address:
Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57

Bankovní kontakt pro ČR (pouze):
Číslo bankovního účtu: 6015-30929881
Kód banky: 0710
Variabilní symbol: 378100886
Specifický symbol: 5296220101
Ve zprávě pro příjemce nutno uvést: Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986

Bank address of Anarchist Black Cross:
IBAN CZ98 0100 0000 0087 6019 0237

(originally posted at antifenix.noblogs.org, also see Antifenix 2016 update)



Yesterday the appeal court hearing took place in the High Court in Prague. Russian, vegan, straight-edge anarchist Igor Ševcov, who was appealing his sentence – a 2 year expulsion from the Czech Republic for video recording someone else graffitiing prison walls during a support demonstration (complicity to criminal damage) – was given a new sentence.

The judgement remained the same – the high court still finds him complicit in criminal damage, but the judge changed the penalty. The new sentence: Igor is banned from attending any sporting or cultural event or any event like a manifestation, demonstration, benefit, mobilisation, protest or any other action within the anarchist movement.

We do not know yet what it means exactly, but it’s likely that Igor will have to visit a probation office any time there is a big action, and he will be surveilled during any other event by under cover state agents and spies. If he violates his sentence he can be put behind bars for up to 3 years.

Although it seems a lot nicer than an expulsion from the country, we find this sentence disgusting and humiliating. It degrades an anarchist, or anyone who is not satisfied with a world based on hierarchy and inequality towards a self-policing individual. The path of a person who understands that every step they take is controlled most likely ends with the four walls of a prison.

The repressive system is evolving and, like any sector of the market, penetrates deeper and deeper into every level of our lives. New measures of control have been introduced in addition to prison. In these new measures, not only does prisoner manage their own detention, but an impression of nicer repression is also given. That’s one of the reasons why neoliberal democracy can work for so long.

When in a dictatorship it is very common to hate the repression and the people see the oppressor as their enemy – in a democracy the repression is painted a colour so that is it unrecognizable, or the majority side with the oppressor and see their oppression as nice and necessary.

We do not know if Igor will follow this sentence, try to oppose it legally or just follow his own agenda and feelings and see what happens in the future. In any case, he has our full support.

If you want to support Igor, rather than congratulating him on his “better” sentence, ask him what kind of support he needs, for he is in a very uncomfortable situation. And mostly, keep changing your environment into a world where repression, exclusion and borders are exchanged for mutual solidarity and freedom.

The struggle continues!

(originally posted on antifenix.noblogs.org)

Spanish State: Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero sentenced to 12 years in prison

(via Contra Info)

On March 30th 2016, Refractario reported that anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (imprisoned since November 2013) were each sentenced to 12 years in prison.

The comrades were acquitted of charges of “membership in a terrorist organisation” and “conspiracy”. However, they were sentenced to 5 years for “causing injuries” and 7 years for “causing damage with terrorist intent”.

SOCPA7 Sentencing Results

After more than 2 years on bail the SOCPA7 were sentenced at Southwark Crown Court in London on Friday, for their part in protesting against animal testing at HLS.

A peaceful protest was held outside the court and many compassionate activists filled the public gallery in a show of support for the defendants and in resistance to State repression.

Despite all of the protests in this case being non-violent and fairly uneventful, the defendants were disproportionately sentenced because of their connection to the SHAC campaign.

Thankfully they have all avoided serving prison sentences for this case for now, but they were given a range of suspended prison sentences and large cost orders and fines. Debbie was given a 12 month prison sentence to run concurrent (at the same time) as the sentence she is currently serving for her other case, the Blackmail 3.

For a full explanation of what happened during the sentencing hearing, the punishment each defendant was given and a look at what this case means, please visit our website: www.socpa7.org/sentencing.html

There is no justice in the legal system. The State will go to any length to silence effective activism, particularly against animal testing. The battle surrounding vivisection will continue and so it is incredibly important that we work together to build an understanding of and resilience to repression and support our comrades in the fight for justice.

Although the struggle can be hard at times, we must support our casualties. Solidarity will give us the strength to win the war for liberation!

Photo: The defendants outside court after the hearing – Alexis, Steve, Lorna, Emily, Anton and Emma.

Photo: After more than 2 years on bail the SOCPA7 were sentenced at Southwark Crown Court in London on Friday, for their part in protesting against animal testing at HLS.</p>
<p>A peaceful protest was held outside the court and many compassionate activists filled the public gallery in a show of support for the defendants and in resistance to State repression.</p>
<p>Despite all of the protests in this case being non-violent and fairly uneventful, the defendants were disproportionately sentenced because of their connection to the SHAC campaign.</p>
<p>Thankfully they have all avoided serving prison sentences for this case for now, but they were given a range of suspended prison sentences and large cost orders and fines. Debbie was given a 12 month prison sentence to run concurrent (at the same time) as the sentence she is currently serving for her other case, the Blackmail 3.</p>
<p>For a full explanation of what happened during the sentencing hearing, the punishment each defendant was given and a look at what this case means, please visit our website: www.socpa7.org/sentencing.html</p>
<p>There is no justice in the legal system. The State will go to any length to silence effective activism, particularly against animal testing. The battle surrounding vivisection will continue and so it is incredibly important that we work together to build an understanding of and resilience to repression and support our comrades in the fight for justice.</p>
<p>Although the struggle can be hard at times, we must support our casualties. Solidarity will give us the strength to win the war for liberation!</p>
<p>Photo: The defendants outside court after the hearing - Alexis, Steve, Lorna, Emily, Anton and Emma.

Donate in solidarity with the SOCPA7


Click here to donate: http://www.gofundme.com/socpa7

A supporter is running the Bournemouth Marathon on October 5th 2014 to raise money for the SOCPA7 – seven campaigners accused of conspiracy to commit SOCPA 145 in relation to SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty), the international campaign to close down HLS (Huntingdon Life Sciences). They are facing 5 years in prison for protesting against animal testing.

HLS is the Europe’s largest contract animal-testing laboratory. They carry out experiments which involve poisoning animals with household products, pesticides, drugs, herbicides, food colourings and additives, sweeteners and genetically modified organisms.

Every three minutes an animal dies inside Huntingdon totaling 500 innocent lives every single day.

HLS have been repeatedly exposed for horrendous animal cruelty. The SHAC campaign has been so effective that HLS has been driven to bankruptcy.

Due to vested interests in the vivisection industry, the UK Government stepped in to help HLS. They provided financial help and introduced new laws to target anti-vivisection campaigners.

For more information about the SOCPA7 please visit http://www.socpa7.org/defendants.html

Thank you very much for your support,
Until all are free!