Category Archives: events


Urgent Demonstration for Ryan Roberts

Ryan Roberts is due to be sentenced for riot & arson after the kill the bill protests in Bristol.

Let’s show our solidarity with him and all KTB defendants and prisoners at Bristol Crown Court, Friday 17th December.

2pm – Pack the court to show Ryan he has our support and is not alone. Bring banners, friends, rage and noise!

Ryan is being sentenced tomorrow for his part in fighting back against police attacks at the Kill The Bill protest on 21st March in Bristol.

Expect more cheerleading for brutal cops and punitive, vengeful sentencing as an example to the rest of us, from Judge Patrick, in his enthusiasm for meting out maximum punishment and being a tool of the state.

We need to stand solid together in the face of escalating attacks and repression and show that our movements will not be broken or be defeated. Solidarity is our best defence.

Everyone in the court and out on the streets. ACAB. FTP.

Inside Britain’s Close Supervision Centres: Info Night

What: Bristol ABC is hosting ex-prisoner, Kyle Major, to speak at an event in September with the Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee. It is about his experiences in a Close Supervision Centre; one of Britain’s highest security prisons.

Trigger warning: This talk will share experiences of abuse, assault, trauma and medical neglect in the prison system.

Where: Hydra Books, 34 Old Market St, Bristol BS2 0EZ

When: Thursday 20th September 2018 7pm


Prisoner Letter Writing Workshop // Bristol ABC


On the 4th of February from 7pm at Resisit! // Kebele Social Center after the usual Sunday dinner, 14 Robertson Road

Bristol Anarchist Black Cross is hosting an evening of prisoner letter writing. Writing letters to people on the inside is one of the simplest and most important ways we can show solidarity from the outside.

If your nervous or unsure about what to write to people on the inside that you probably haven’t met before, then we’ll have some experienced letter writers on hand.

We will have a list of prisoner addresses, come and find out how you can offer support people on the inside and get involved with the work Bristol ABC are doing.

letter writing materials will be provided!


Bristol to Noise demo at HMP Doncaster!

11 February at 13:00–23:00

On February 11th we will join Action for Trans Health at HMP Doncaster to loudly protest the state-sanctioned murder of trans people.

On 30th December 2016 Jenny Swift was found dead in her cell after enduring incarceration, the withholding of her medication and transmisogynist harassment from guards. A recent inquest into her death found that she had been part of a suicide pact with three other trans prisoners formed because of bullying by prison staff.

Join us in raising hell outside the prison to let those inside know they are not forgotten and to let the guards know that we have not forgotten Jenny Swift. We gather at 5pm to avoid disrupting visitors so wrap up warm and bring torches, lights and sparklers. Bring your loudest voice and anything to make noise with – loudspeakers, amplifiers, drums, tambourines, horns, guitars, triangles, kazoos, pots and pans, party poppers… be creative!

email to confirm you are coming ASAP – transport is limited! We will leave Bristol at 1 pm (location tbc) and won’t be back til late.


We demand:

That the transphobic guards never be allowed to work in prisons or with vulnerable people again
That hormones be available on demand to anyone who requests them, including people in prison
That the government cease all prison expansion and construction projects (including Scottish plans to create a non-binary prison), release prisoners and invest the £1.3bn it has planned for new “mega prisons” in restorative justice and community support instead of more isolation, violence and death.


Vegan Burger Night Prisoner Support Fundraiser

On the 1st of February at 18:00–21:00 at
Cafe Connect – 114 St Mark’s Rd, Easton. BS5 6JD

Bristol ABC will be serving up tasty burgers and all the trimmings plus spicy potato wedges. There’ll also be the chance to learn about the importance of prisoner support and write letters to people on the inside.

£5 suggested donation and all the money goes directly to prisoner support funds. More details on which prisoners this will be coming soon.

facebook event here:

Burger art by Sam Knock the Ham Hock (www.instagram,com/sam.knock)

Winter Warmer – November 7th 2017

Don’t miss this festive fundraiser…

From Belarus to the USA: fighting state repression

The 1st to the 9th of April was the week in solidarity with those facing state repression in the USA. At the same time, we have just seen mass arrests in Belarus, after the biggest protests since 2010. What do we mean by state repression? How can these two governments, one “democratic” and one “dictatorial”, have such similar responses to citizen discontent? And what parallels can we draw with our own island? Ask these questions and more at Cafe Kino next week!

Sunday 18th February, Smash IPP infonight!

Aipp-bristol-2017s anarchists, we often have aims that seem unachieveable. A truly peaceful and democratic society? Maybe not in my lifetime. But sometimes there are differences that we can make. So if you’re tired of fighting uphill battles, Smash IPP has an idea for you. Thousands of people are serving IPP sentences with no release dates in UK jails. The law that put them inside indefinitely has been abolished, but they’re still in there, with the uncertainty having such a devastating effect on their mental health that over 50% of them self-harm. Come to Kebele Community Centre in Easton at 7pm after dinner to find out more about these forgotten prisoners and how you can help with the 2017 year to free all IPPs! We don’t see this as incongruent with our aims of prison abolition, more as a reduction of harm to vulnerable people. Anything that reduces the power and reach of the prison-industrial complex is fine by us.

Find out more at

Monthly letter writing is back!

we r still here_small poster On the 1st Sunday of the month, starting this Sunday 5th of February, Bristol ABC will be at Kebele during dinner with prisoner lists, writing materials and advice. Come and join us in writing to established friends and making new ones!

Letter writing is an often undervalued way of building links with those struggling inside the prison walls. Let them know we haven’t forgotten them and are fighting for them outside!

20th January – Trans Prisoner day of Action and Solidarity – film showing of Criminal Queers

criminalqueerspostcardJanuary the 22nd is the 2nd International Day of Action and Solidarity with Trans Prisoners. The Friday before, on the 20th, Bristol ABC are hosting a film showing of Criminal Queers. Come along to find out more about the struggles of trans people behind bars, and sign a card or write a letter to people so that they know they’re not alone.




Background Info:

January 22, 2017 will be the second annual Trans Prisoner Day of Action: an international day of action in solidarity with trans prisoners.

This is a call to action against the system which seeks to erase our very existence. The survival of trans and other sex and gender minority people is not a quaint conversation about awareness, but a struggle for us to live in a world so determined to marginalize, dehumanise, and criminalise us – especially trans women, and especially Black, brown, and indigenous trans people.

We are discriminated against in every area of society including housing, healthcare, employment. Our survival is often precarious and many of us survive by work which is also criminalised – making us even more of a target for police harassment and the crime of “Walking While Trans’’.

Once incarcerated, trans people face humiliation, physical and sexual abuse, denial of medical needs, and legal reprisals. Many transgender people are placed in solitary confinement for months or years, simply for being trans. Trans women are usually placed in men’s prisons, where there is a massive increased risk of experiencing sexual violence.

Just as our lives are violently repressed on the outside, trans people experience extreme suffering and death within the walls of jails, prisons, youth facilities, and immigrant detention centers.

Trans Prisoner Day of Action on January 22nd is a day to acknowledge the experiences of trans and other sex and gender-minority prisoners. It’s about collaboration. It is about forging new relationships and dismantling the isolation of prison. It’s about resistance to state violence. It’s about solidarity between those who experience the violence of the system first hand and those for whom the state hasn’t come yet.

Many prisoner support and prison abolition groups around the world do so much excellent work writing letters to prisoners, educating the public with  letters to editors and articles for the media, holding protests and marches, organising queer communities to phone in and demand that trans prisoners be treated with respect and dignity, calling for an end to incarceration. Trans Prisoner Day of Action aims to make this work accessible to all who are in support – we encourage you to hold vigils for those in our communities who have been taken by State violence, to hold an event, host speakers, screen films, invite presentations, and hold workshops to spread the word on the experience of trans prisoners, share knowledge, and build strategies of resistance. Have dance parties and raise funds for people and groups already doing amazing work. Take action. Let’s join together and show our conviction in supporting each other and ending prisons once and for all.

This project was first imagined by Marius Mason, a trans prisoner in Texas, USA. Since then, through his friends and supporters, an international collective of people both inside and outside of prison walls have come together to make Trans Prisoner Day of Action a reality. We are trans and non-trans folks and friends and supporters. We join a long tradition of trans and queer people resisting state violence.

Join with us in the struggle for freedom.