Prisoner support letter-writing night and hot prisoners

Bristol ABC prisoner support group returns this month to Kebele social centre for November’s public letters to prisoners night.

Wednesday 10 November, from 7 to 9pm at 14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JY. Hot drinks available, bring snacks to share please.

Once again we will have lists of prisoners here and abroad who welcome support. We will provide paper, cards and envelopes. We ask you to provide the letter writing muscle, along with donations for stamps if you can. This is an informal event with lots of time for questions and discussion about what we do and why. To find out more in advance have a look at our blog and especially the article Why Prisoner Support

This month some of the prisoners we think need additional support include:
The recently sentenced animal rights prisoners known as the SHAC6, and not least Nicole Vosper who has deep roots in the south west (and may be out on parole soonish after 18 months on remand).
Jock Palfreeman in Bulgaria has another day in court for his appeal on 11 November. It probably wont be his last court day, and the judgement will take the judge 2 to 3 months to deliver, so keep pressure on the Bulgarian state – info here.
The elderly and sick anarchist Alfredo Bonanno, along with Christos Stratigopoulos, go to trial in Greece on 22 November. Meanwhile despite more Greek comrades are being arrested and harassed by the repressive Greek cops and state, struggles there continue. More info here.
Lynne Stewart in the USA is a radical human rights lawayer imprisoned for allegedly helping terrorists, whose sentence has recently been increased from 2 to 10 years. Lynne is a 71 year old cancer sufferer and needs support.
Lastly Thomas Meyer-Falk in Germany, having survived 11 years in isolation upto 2007, is demanding a parole hearing, which he should have got 3 years ago.
There are of course plenty more.

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